Essence: discovering the art of the portrait

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Essence: discovering the art of the portrait


This 114 page book features my digital and traditional art compiled over many years. There is beautiful charcoal portraiture with step-by-step instructions and detailed notes on the process. Personal stories and impressions are included about the people I met when I lived in China as well as obstacles I encountered producing my art there. That makes it a perfect blend of art, portrait art instruction and conversation starter.


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The Hook

When the representative of foreign affairs called me from Three Gorges University of Yichang China to offer me a teaching position I packed my bags and arrived within two weeks. I thought I would be teaching English and pursuing the love of my life. Instead, what really got a hold of me were the faces, faces of people so culturally diverse and mystifying that brought me, to my great delight, to the discovery of the art of the portrait.

“As instructive as it is beautifully insightful.”

After accepting an offer to teach English so he could pursue his dream of adventure abroad in China, Chris Petrocchi discovered the art of the portrait instead through his intimate encounters with the friendly local residents of Yichang he encountered there.